City Council Update (May 7th, 2024)
Afternoon Meeting:
Councilor Christina Jones was absent
David Eatman from Transportation and Transit introduced Bruce Holloway, the North Carolina Public Transit Association's 2024 Driver of the Year. Holloway, a retiring employee of RP Dev, was honored for his 33 years of service, million-mile safety driving record, perfect attendance, and zero customer complaints.
Report and Recommendation of the Planning Commission:
Four items are recommended for public hearing on June 4, including a commercial mixed-use development on 4020 Tryon Road, a residential development on Spring Forest Road, a 14-acre development on Barwell Road, and a development on Holden Road. Councilor Patton acknowledged that the Holden Road applicants are not present and asked that the public hearing be postponed until the next meeting.
Special Items:
Rezoning Z-92-22: New Bern Station Area Planning
The council debated building height recommendations and whether to include the gas station parcel at 400 New Bern Ave. in the TOD and discussed the implications of doing so.
Council Member Patton made a motion to change height recommendations from 7 stories to 5 stories. The motion was passed unanimously.
Unanimously approved authorization for text change to align allowed building types in Green Plus with TOD.
Unanimously approved base and height recommendations for Middle Stations
Rezoning Z-40-23: 13120 Strickland Road
Unanimously approved motion to set public hearing date for June 4th, 2024.
Downtown Municipal Service District:
Reviewing exclusion requests
Municipal Election Changes:
Tiesha Mosley from the Office of Community Engagement presented the findings from the public engagement sessions regarding the proposed municipal election changes.
The current framework, established in 1973, was reviewed in 2020, leading to recommendations such as transitioning from 2-year terms to 4-year terms, adopting staggered terms, increasing compensation, moving elections to even years, and directing staff to implement a voter engagement program.
The implementation of some of these recommendations, like increasing the council size to nine members, was met with agreement from the public. However, the idea of transitioning from 2-year terms to 4-year terms and adding a large at-large seat were met with disagreement. In 2022, the office conducted a public input survey with about 1,200 participants.
The survey showed that a majority supported adding district seats and staggered terms, while fewer were in favor of adding at-large council members and serving a four-year term instead of a two-year term.
Council Members Black and Harrison agreed that moving to 4-year staggered terms would be ideal.
Councilor Black believes that the decision should be put up to voters to decide on a referendum.
Council voted 5-2 (Councilors Patton and Black against) to move to 4-year terms with a primary beginning in 2026.
Evening Meeting
Councilor Christina Jones was absent
Blue Ridge Municipal Service District:
May 14th is the due date for property owners within the proposed MSD to submit written exclusion requests
Option A: Council could direct staff to review all written requests for exclusion from MSD
Option B: Or bring requests directly to Council
Councilor Forte stated that she wants the BR-MSD to be consistent with other MSDs
Public Speakers
14 For / 2 Against
Non-Contiguous Petition Annexation - AX-38-23: 5116 Needham Road:
Recently rezoned from R-4, SHOD-1 to R-10, SHOD-1
1.27 acres
Councilor Patton moved to approve with a delay to 6/30/2024
Unanimously Approved
Contiguous to Satellite Annexation:
Zoned CX-3-CU and RX-3-CU (37.1) acres
Looking to construct 222 condos/apartment units and 29,500 sq ft of commercial
Does not meet NFPA standard response time
Councilor Patton moved to grant approval with delay to 6/30/2024
Unanimously Approved
Rezoning Z-46-23:
Request to rezone .39 acres from OX-3-DE w/ NCOD to OX-12-UL-CU (remove NCOD)
Planning Commission sent to RCC with no recommendation
No building on property would be greater than 10 stories
$80,000 would be provided to city’s affordable housing program in lieu of affordable housing units
Consistent with the Comprehensive Plan
If approved, Future Land Use Plan would be updated accordingly
Inconsistent with Future Land Use Map and DT transition areas
Councilor Harrison stated concerns of the NCOD
Councilor Harrison moved to approve
Unanimously Approved
TC-7-23 - Mordecai NCOD:
Citizen-initiated request
Proposed modifications to the existing Mordecai NCOD
Planning Commission voted to deny 7-0
Denied Unanimously