City Council Update (May 21st, 2024)
Work Session:
All Council Members were present.
Call to Order
Parks System Plan - Update Process for the Greenway Plan
The plan includes 170 action items categorized as ongoing, immediate (0-2 years), and short-term (3-5 years) implementations.
A 100-day action plan outlines initial steps towards the community's vision for the Greenway system.
Projects in the 2022 Parks Bond include new extensions and reinvestment projects like replacing asphalt structures and bridges.
The Parks Department is focusing on tunnel lighting, safety campaigns, and infrastructure improvements.
Discussion focused on proposed UDO updates for the Greenway system.
Councilor Jones inquired about the process for text changes and suggested a new acronym for Trail Oriented Development (TOD).
Greenways close at dusk like parks, but there are plans to extend operating hours.
Brief discussion on promoting trail-oriented development and incentivizing developers to build trails in the community.
Regular Session:
Consent Agenda
Consent agenda was approved without any items being pulled.
Report and Recommendation of the Planning Commission
Council Member Melton moved to approve and unanimously passed.
Special Items
Petition Annexation - AX-04-24 Contiguous, Inside ETJ - 4216 Holden Road (District B)
Approved Unanimously
Rezoning Z-05-24: 4216 Holden Road, 500 feet west of the intersection of Holden Road and Forestville Road (District B)
Approved Unanimously
Downtown Investment Opportunities - Follow Up from May 7 Council Meeting
$765,000 was set aside for investment options, primarily focused on safety and cleanliness.
Council Member Jones expressed concern about funds being focused on downtown, neglecting other city districts.
Council Member Melton suggested directing a portion of the funds to areas where people are already seeking assistance, like Moore Square.
Text Change Authorization - Raleigh Water Departmental Handbook - Update and Revisions
Approved Unanimously
Downtown Municipal Service District - Proposed Boundary Expansion
Unanimously approved motion to exclude two properties on West St.
Councilor Harrison made a motion to make first vote on proposed ordinance to expand Downtown MSD
Passed 6-1 with Councilor Jones in opposition
Blue Ridge Corridor Municipal Service District
Council Member Harrison moved to exclude residential properties within the proposed district boundary, including apartments with commercial ownership, from the proposed district as they do not require the services, facilities, and functions to a demonstrably greater extent than the remainder of the city.
Approved Unanimously
Report and Recommendation of the City Manager
Proposed Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Budget for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2024
City’s FY 2025 budget is $1.43 billion, a 11.8% increase over the last year.
Budget prioritizes workforce investment, infrastructure maintenance.
Proposed budget includes a revenue neutral rate increase of 3.8 cents in property tax.
The City will continue to support the ACORNS unit in the Raleigh Police Department, providing ongoing operational support for mental health-related calls.
City Manager recommends 5% market adjustment for sworn officers, firefighters, and ECC employees. All other employees receive 2% market adjustment due to inflation and market trends.
Budget Work Sessions: June 3rds and every following Monday until adoption.
Public Hearing on Budget: June 4th
S. Bloodworth Street, East Street, Cabarrus Street Assemblage - Request for Proposals and Declaration of Surplus Property
Councilor Melton moved to adopt staff recommended action
Passed 5-3 with Councilors Black, Forte, and Jones opposed
Moore Square Property Disposition Update
Unanimously passed